My chocolate labrador Sara has been getting pretty up there in years and hasn't been feeling too well of late. My parents have been taking care of her since I left for college, but she's always been my dog and I've had her since 7th grade. She was a replacement for my doberman-rottweiler mix, Max, who was previously run down by a neighbor for no good reason at all. Not getting into that story this time around.
So I wake up this morning and realize I have a missed call from 5:38am. My parents are on the east coast, but they don't usually forget about the time change, so I was a big alarmed thinking Sara must in particularly bad shape and they had to put her down. I'm semi-prepared for this news because Mom had been telling me a few days prior that Sara wasn't doing so hot.
So I'm driving to work and call back (with my hands free device) and finally get my mom on the phone. And the call goes something like this:
"Hey Mom, I saw you called and just wanted to make sure everything was okay."
"I called? When?"
"At 5:30 this morning."
"Oh, that must have been by accident. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, the phone was on silent. No worries." (Sigh-o-relief) "I'm just glad it was an accident."
"Oh, why's that?"
"Ya know, I was afraid it was an emergency, maybe you had to put Sara down this morning or something."
"Oh, no honey, we did that yesterday."
Yeah. Apparently they both forgot to tell me or assumed the other one had called. This amused me for the first half of my day, but like any bad news that doesn't sink in until later, it eventually devolved into frustration.
So that was my morning. I hope someone out there at least finds it as mildly amusing as I did. At first.
R.I.P. Sara 'The Beef' Ast
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